High Speed Time Travel at RIT

Making time go faster, or slower, going back in time, going back to the future,  these are things that fascinate people everywhere.  Of course when we look back in time it's always described as a "flash".
For example that great quote from Babs in the movie Chicken Run, "All me life flashed before me eyes, It was really borin'."  Well a weekend at the RIT Spring Juggle-In is never boring and now you can relive the entire 3 day event in under 6 mins!  Jay Ko of the PhillyJugglers has created a time lapse footage of last years event and you can watch all the action flash by and remember your favorite parts. Of course being there live is even better, so make sure you reserve this years dates for the 38th RIT Spring Juggle-In on April 10-12, 2015, and check out the Fbook event page, or the RIT club web site
