Company McQuiggs goes South of the Border

Company McQuiggs is taking their thrilling three person show on the road and going south of the border this spring.  For most United States citizens, "South of the Border" is Mexico, but for these three, who are currently studying at École de cirque de Québec in Canada, they only have to travel South of Mexico New York..(Yes, there is a city called Mexico, New York)

Company McQuiggs, will be presenting their act PLD at the RIT Spring Juggle-In Public Show on April 11th. In PLD, Nathan Biggs-Penton, Willem McGowan, and Kellin Quinn join together to create a show filled with tangled arms, uncomfortable catches, and a routine that involves 48 props in the air at once.  Nathan and Willem will also be teaching workshops during the weekend.
Kellin will be going to the Mighty Taco down the street form RIT to get some of that famous "South of the Border" cuisine

Juggling acts aren't really created to be described with written words though, they are created to be seen, So check out the action in this video clip:

Come join us at the 38th RIT Spring Juggle-In April 10-12, 2015
